Source code for prince_cr.photonfields

Created on Feb 22, 2017

@author: Anatoli Fedynitch
from abc import abstractmethod
from os.path import join

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline

import prince_cr.config as config

[docs]class PhotonField(object): """Base class for constructing target photon densities. Derived classes have to implement the method :func:`PhotonField.get_photon_densities`. """ @abstractmethod def get_photon_density(self, E, z): raise Exception('Base class method called accidentally.')
[docs]class CombinedPhotonField(PhotonField): """Class to combine (sum) several models, which inherit from :class:`PhotonField`. This class is useful when constructing a realistic photon spectrum, which is typically a superposition of CMB and CIB. The list of models can be passed to the constructor or each model can be added separately using the :func:`add_model`. Args: list_of_classes_and_args: Can be either list of classes or list of tuples (class, args) """ def __init__(self, list_of_classes_and_args): self.model_list = [] for arg in list_of_classes_and_args: cl, cl_arg = None, None if type(arg) not in [tuple, list]: cl = arg cl_arg = [] else: cl = arg[0] cl_arg = arg[1:] self.model_list.append(cl(*cl_arg))
[docs] def add_model(self, model_class, model_args=()): """Adds a model class to the combination. """ self.model_list.append(model_class(*model_args))
[docs] def get_photon_density(self, E, z): """Returns the redshift-scaled number density of photons as a sum of different models. Args: z (float): redshift E (float): photon energy (GeV) Returns: float: CMB photon spectrum in :math:`{\\rm GeV}}^{-1} {\\rm cm}}^{-3}` """ E = np.atleast_1d(E) res = np.sum([model.get_photon_density(E, z) for model in self.model_list], axis=0) return res
[docs]class FlatPhotonSpectrum(PhotonField): """Constant photon density for testing. """
[docs] def get_photon_density(self, E, z): """Returns the redshift-scaled number density of CMB photons Args: z (float): redshift E (float): photon energy (GeV) Returns: float: CMB photon spectrum in :math:`{\\rm GeV}}^{-1} {\\rm cm}}^{-3}` """ # density at z = 0 nlocal = np.ones_like(E, dtype='double') * 1e12 #nlocal = E**-1 * 1e12 return (1. + z)**2 * nlocal
[docs]class CMBPhotonSpectrum(PhotonField): """Redshift-scaled number density of CMB photons In the CMB frame (equivalent to the observer's frame). Normalisation from Planck's spectrum. The scaling goes as :math:`n(E,z) = (1+z)^3 n(E/(1+z), z = 0)`. The CMB spectrum is a blackbody spectrum with the present-day temperature T0 = 2.725 K. Ref.: M. Ahlers, L.A. Anchordoqui, and S. Sarkar, Phys. Rev. D 79, 083009 (2009) [0902.3993] """
[docs] def get_photon_density(self, E, z): """Returns the redshift-scaled number density of CMB photons Args: z (float): redshift E (float): photon energy (GeV) Returns: float: CMB photon spectrum in :math:`{\\rm GeV}}^{-1} {\\rm cm}}^{-3}` """ pref = 1.31868e40 # 1/pi^2/(hbar*c)^3 [GeV^-3 cm^-3] Ered = E / (1. + z) # density at z = 0, for energy E / (1 + z); ECMB = kB * T0 # Call exp only for values within dynamic range of the function eratio = Ered / config.E_CMB exp_range = eratio < 709. # This is the limit for 64 bits nlocal = np.zeros_like(Ered) pref *= (1. + z)**2 # Normalize nlocal[exp_range] = pref * Ered[exp_range]**2 / (np.exp(eratio[exp_range]) - 1.0) del exp_range return nlocal
[docs]class EBLSplined2D(PhotonField): def __init__(self): self.simple_scaling = None self.int2d = None
[docs] def get_photon_density(self, E, z): """Returns the redshift-scaled number density of CIB photons Accepts scalar, vector and matrix arguments. Args: z (float): redshift E (float): photon energy (GeV) Returns: float: CMB photon spectrum in :math:`{\\rm GeV}}^{-1} {\\rm cm}}^{-3}` """ # pylint:disable=not-callable if self.simple_scaling: Ered = E / (1. + z) nlocal = self.int2d(Ered, 0., assume_sorted=True) nz = self.int2d(Ered, z, assume_sorted=True) scale = trapz(nz,Ered) / trapz(nlocal,Ered) / (1+z)**3 # print(scale) return (1. + z)**2 * nlocal * scale else: return self.int2d(E, z, assume_sorted=True)
[docs]class CIBFranceschini2D(EBLSplined2D): """CIB model "1" by Fraceschini et al. CIB photon distribution for z = 0...2. Requires availability of an `scipy.interp2d` object file `data/CIB_franceschini_int2D.ppo`. Ref.: A. Franceschini et al., Astron. Astrphys. 487, 837 (2008) [arXiv:0805.1841] """ def __init__(self, simple_scaling=False): from import db_handler self.int2d = db_handler.ebl_spline('Francescini2008','base') self.simple_scaling = simple_scaling
[docs]class CIBInoue2D(EBLSplined2D): """CIB model "2" by Inoue et al. CIB photon distribution for z = 0...10. Requires availability of an `scipy.interp2d` object file `data/CIB_inoue_int2D.ppo`. A low and high variation of the "third-population" component are also available, by passing Ref.: Y. Inoue et al. [arXiv:1212.1683] """ def __init__(self, model='base', simple_scaling=False): from import db_handler assert model in ['base', 'upper', 'lower'] self.int2d = db_handler.ebl_spline('Inoue2013', model) self.simple_scaling = simple_scaling
[docs]class CIBGilmore2D(EBLSplined2D): """CIB model "3" by Gilmore et al. CIB photon distribution for z = 0...7. Requires availability of an `scipy.interp2d` object file `data/CIB_gilmore_int2D.ppo`. Note: Currently uses the fixed model from the reference as standard, for the fiducial model, change the 'model' keyword Ref.: R.C. Gilmore et al., MNRAS Soc. 422, 3189 (2012) [arXiv:1104.0671] """ def __init__(self, model='fiducial', simple_scaling=False): from import db_handler assert model in ['fixed', 'fiducial'] self.int2d = db_handler.ebl_spline('Gilmore2011', model) self.simple_scaling = simple_scaling
[docs]class CIBDominguez2D(EBLSplined2D): """CIB model "3" by Gilmore et al. CIB photon distribution for z = 0...2. Requires availability of an `scipy.interp2d` object file `data/CIB_dominguez_int2D.ppo`. Note: The class contains an interpolators for the upper and lower limits, which are not yet accessable through a function Ref.: R.C. Gilmore et al., MNRAS 410, 2556 (2011) [arXiv:1104.0671] """ def __init__(self, model='base', simple_scaling=False): from import db_handler assert model in ['base', 'upper', 'lower'] self.int2d = db_handler.ebl_spline('Dominguez2010', model) self.simple_scaling = simple_scaling
[docs]class CIBFranceschiniZ0(PhotonField): """CIB model "1" by Fraceschini et al. CIB photon distribution at z=0. Ref.: A. Franceschini et al., Astron. Astrphys. 487, 837 (2008) [arXiv:0805.1841] """ def __init__(self): self.E = np.array([ 1.00000000e-15, 1.46217717e-12, 2.48885732e-12, 3.54813389e-12, 4.97737085e-12, 7.31139083e-12, 8.87156012e-12, 1.12979591e-11, 1.38038426e-11, 1.65958691e-11, 1.77418948e-11, 2.07014135e-11, 3.10455959e-11, 4.13999675e-11, 4.97737085e-11, 6.22300285e-11, 8.27942164e-11, 1.03609601e-10, 1.38102010e-10, 1.55417529e-10, 1.85609414e-10, 2.14387767e-10, 2.75613191e-10, 3.37831390e-10, 4.17637993e-10, 7.31307454e-10, 9.56400953e-10, 1.24299677e-09, 1.55417529e-09, 2.25995608e-09, 3.10813590e-09, 6.21584248e-09, 1.00000000e+01 ]) self.ngamma = np.array([ 1.00000000e+06, 7.91224998e+10, 1.78114797e+11, 2.17470323e+11, 1.87326837e+11, 1.16654098e+11, 7.52488730e+10, 3.74541547e+10, 1.93508479e+10, 1.01765366e+10, 7.91407205e+09, 5.01880128e+09, 1.23026877e+09, 5.61047976e+08, 3.23593657e+08, 2.10377844e+08, 1.08893009e+08, 5.19517283e+07, 2.69649736e+07, 2.26725308e+07, 2.03422974e+07, 1.70529689e+07, 1.41807761e+07, 1.28617481e+07, 1.10458718e+07, 5.57057467e+06, 3.36790630e+06, 1.85152679e+06, 9.67163727e+05, 3.19815862e+05, 9.27897490e+04, 1.09774129e+04, 1.00000000e-29 ]) self.spl_ngamma = UnivariateSpline(self.E, self.ngamma, k=1, s=0)
[docs] def get_photon_density(self, E, z): """Returns the redshift-scaled number density of CMB photons Args: z (float): redshift E (float): photon energy (GeV) Returns: float: CMB photon spectrum in :math:`{\\rm GeV}}^{-1} {\\rm cm}}^{-3}` """ if z > 0: raise Exception(self.__class__.__name__ + 'get_photon_density(): ' + 'Redshift z > 0 not supported by this class') return self.spl_ngamma(E, assume_sorted=True)
[docs]class CIBSteckerZ0(PhotonField): """CIB model "1" by Stecker et al. CIB photon distribution at z=0. Ref.: F.W. Stecker et al., Astrophys. J. 648, 774 (2006) [astro-ph/0510449] """ def __init__(self): self.E = np.array([ 3.30673963e-12, 3.66859694e-12, 4.01143722e-12, 4.32016168e-12, 4.72389244e-12, 5.16416369e-12, 5.73059874e-12, 6.26469598e-12, 6.95184371e-12, 7.48858908e-12, 8.06491882e-12, 8.81860723e-12, 9.49729657e-12, 9.93116048e-12, 1.05390145e-11, 1.13527219e-11, 1.25979535e-11, 1.43979281e-11, 1.59771753e-11, 1.77296434e-11, 2.08785339e-11, 2.35125645e-11, 2.81060620e-11, 3.07255737e-11, 3.46098725e-11, 3.83972393e-11, 4.52168183e-11, 5.24686633e-11, 6.55692174e-11, 8.19407623e-11, 9.36698878e-11, 1.07075473e-10, 1.24231005e-10, 1.42010351e-10, 1.67232237e-10, 1.91165713e-10, 2.05911214e-10, 2.25117885e-10, 2.46116086e-10, 2.81339039e-10, 3.21595527e-10, 3.46409665e-10, 3.78712814e-10, 4.07934090e-10, 4.45974472e-10, 4.80374560e-10, 5.17440002e-10, 5.49123462e-10, 5.82760356e-10, 6.18457699e-10, 6.76129679e-10, 7.28299480e-10, 7.96214349e-10, 8.32530207e-10, 9.10164726e-10, 9.95061676e-10, 1.10415489e-09, 1.17179057e-09, 1.26217624e-09, 1.33949162e-09, 1.42151026e-09, 1.53119323e-09, 1.64930130e-09, 1.85750504e-09, 2.12334224e-09, 2.28712552e-09, 2.50046051e-09, 2.69333268e-09, 2.85831442e-09, 3.07878952e-09, 3.31627090e-09, 3.57215257e-09, 3.79087968e-09, 4.66766845e-09, 5.10305207e-09, 5.57904674e-09, 6.19070344e-09, 7.07668721e-09, 8.33354913e-09, 1.04145378e-08, 1.15563317e-08, 1.22642219e-08, 1.28233058e-08, 1.32102185e-08, 1.40194185e-08, 1.44444164e-08 ]) self.ngamma = np.array([ 1.85951634e+11, 1.76116481e+11, 1.69277798e+11, 1.57180983e+11, 1.43747401e+11, 1.28262588e+11, 1.10001853e+11, 9.33899193e+10, 7.62254505e+10, 6.40766798e+10, 5.38641735e+10, 4.35211137e+10, 3.56861749e+10, 3.09100708e+10, 2.57276430e+10, 2.05825889e+10, 1.48354253e+10, 9.87802225e+09, 6.94592357e+09, 5.00691248e+09, 2.93042088e+09, 2.13348700e+09, 1.29285554e+09, 1.07082869e+09, 8.19275561e+08, 6.68574795e+08, 5.01498918e+08, 3.91399260e+08, 2.63250982e+08, 1.77063890e+08, 1.43783814e+08, 1.13899023e+08, 8.88934988e+07, 7.21855052e+07, 5.69023235e+07, 4.73685401e+07, 4.28982919e+07, 3.82771858e+07, 3.41530898e+07, 2.84308602e+07, 2.36673700e+07, 2.14338408e+07, 1.86560630e+07, 1.68958482e+07, 1.47061842e+07, 1.29921193e+07, 1.14775713e+07, 1.10868967e+07, 1.04469616e+07, 9.84396362e+06, 8.78354843e+06, 7.95463030e+06, 7.09773859e+06, 6.62186008e+06, 5.76381456e+06, 5.01683711e+06, 4.19681669e+06, 3.76313674e+06, 3.32452804e+06, 2.98098644e+06, 2.67294486e+06, 2.30350946e+06, 1.93646655e+06, 1.48156258e+06, 1.11681182e+06, 9.38858192e+05, 7.58577575e+05, 6.22085387e+05, 5.44126654e+05, 4.35281290e+05, 3.56960367e+05, 3.00088947e+05, 2.43652011e+05, 1.33045442e+05, 9.97860887e+04, 7.48393488e+04, 5.39473356e+04, 3.50404762e+04, 1.90370653e+04, 8.19200106e+03, 5.34724398e+03, 4.23525925e+03, 3.66783677e+03, 3.22403687e+03, 2.55358313e+03, 2.24460538e+03 ]) self.spl_ngamma = UnivariateSpline(self.E, self.ngamma, k=1, s=0)
[docs] def get_photon_density(self, E, z): """Returns the redshift-scaled number density of CMB photons Args: z (float): redshift E (float): photon energy (GeV) Returns: float: CMB photon spectrum in :math:`{\\rm GeV}}^{-1} {\\rm cm}}^{-3}` """ if z > 0: raise Exception(self.__class__.__name__ + 'get_photon_density(): ' + 'Redshift z > 0 not supported by this class') return self.spl_ngamma(E, assume_sorted=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib.pyplot as plt erange = np.logspace(-20, -6, 100) cmb = CMBPhotonSpectrum() inoue = CIBInoue2D() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 3)) ax.loglog( erange, erange * cmb.get_photon_density(erange, z=0.), ls='-', lw=2, color='k') ax.set_ylim(1e-9, 1e3) # ax.fill_between(erange, CMB_photon_spectrum(erange, z=0.), # CMB_photon_spectrum(erange, z=6.), color='b', alpha=0.3) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\epsilon$ d$n/$d$\epsilon$ cm$^{-3}$') ax.set_xlabel(r'Photon energy $\epsilon$ (GeV)') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 3)) ax.loglog( erange, erange * inoue.get_photon_density(erange, z=0.), ls='-', lw=2, color='k') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\epsilon$ d$n/$d$\epsilon$ cm$^{-3}$') ax.set_xlabel(r'Photon energy $\epsilon$ (GeV)') mcomb = CombinedPhotonField([CMBPhotonSpectrum, CIBInoue2D]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 3)) ax.loglog( erange, erange * mcomb.get_photon_density(erange, 0.), ls='-', lw=2, color='k') ax.fill_between( erange, erange * mcomb.get_photon_density(erange, 0.), erange * mcomb.get_photon_density(erange, 6.), color='r', alpha=0.3) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\epsilon$ d$n/$d$\epsilon$ cm$^{-3}$') ax.set_xlabel(r'Photon energy $\epsilon$ (GeV)')