Source code for prince_cr.interaction_rates

"""The module contains classes for computations of interaction rates"""

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import trapz

from import PRINCE_UNITS
from prince_cr.util import info
import prince_cr.config as config

using_cupy = False
# Use GPU support
if config.has_cupy and config.linear_algebra_backend.lower() == 'cupy':
    import cupy
    from prince_cr.config import mempool
    using_cupy = True

[docs]class PhotoNuclearInteractionRate(object): """Implementation of photo-hadronic/nuclear interaction rates. This Version directly writes the data into a CSC-matrix and only updates the data each time. """ def __init__(self, prince_run=None, with_dense_jac=True, *args, **kwargs): info(3, 'creating instance') self.with_dense_jac = with_dense_jac #: Reference to PhotonField object self.photon_field = prince_run.photon_field #: Reference to CrossSection object self.cross_sections = prince_run.cross_sections #: Reference to species manager self.spec_man = prince_run.spec_man # Initialize grids self.e_photon = prince_run.ph_grid self.e_cosmicray = prince_run.cr_grid # Initialize cache of redshift value self._ph_vec_zcache = None self._ratemat_zcache = None # Initialize the matrices for batch computation self._batch_rows = None self._batch_cols = None self._batch_matrix = None self._batch_vec = None self.coupling_mat = None self.dense_coupling_mat = None self._estimate_batch_matrix() self._init_matrices() self._init_coupling_mat()
[docs] def photon_vector(self, z): """Returns photon vector at redshift `z` on photon grid. This vector is in fact a matrix of vectors of the interpolated photon field with dimensions (dim_cr, xi_steps). Args: z (float): redshift Return value from cache if redshift value didn't change since last call. """ # photon_vector = np.zeros_like(self.e_photon.grid) photon_vector = self.photon_field.get_photon_density( self.e_photon.grid, z) return photon_vector
def _estimate_batch_matrix(self): ''' estimate dimension of the batch matrix''' dcr = self.e_cosmicray.d dph = self.e_photon.d batch_dim = 0 for specid in self.spec_man.known_species: if specid < 100: continue # Add the main diagonal self-couplings (absoption) batch_dim += dcr for rtup in self.cross_sections.reactions[specid]: # Off main diagonal couplings (reinjection) if rtup in self.cross_sections.known_bc_channels: batch_dim += dcr elif rtup in self.cross_sections.known_diff_channels: # Only half of the elements can be non-zero (energy conservation) batch_dim += int(dcr**2 / 2) + 1 info(2, 'Batch matrix dimensions are {0}x{1}'.format(batch_dim, dph)) self._batch_matrix = np.zeros((batch_dim, dph)) self._batch_rows = [] self._batch_cols = [] info( 3, 'Memory usage: {0} MB'.format(self._batch_matrix.nbytes / 1024**2)) def _init_matrices(self): """ A new take on filling the matrices""" # Define some short-cuts known_species = self.spec_man.known_species[::-1] sp_id_ref = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref resp = self.cross_sections.resp m_pr = PRINCE_UNITS.m_proton # Energy variables dcr = self.e_cosmicray.d dph = self.e_photon.d ecr = self.e_cosmicray.grid bcr = self.e_cosmicray.bins eph = self.e_photon.grid bph = self.e_photon.bins delta_ec = self.e_cosmicray.widths delta_ph = self.e_photon.widths # Edges of each CR energy bin and photon energy bin elims = np.vstack([bcr[:-1], bcr[1:]]) plims = np.vstack([bph[:-1], bph[1:]]) # CR and photon grid indices emo_idcs = np.arange(dcr) eda_idcs = np.arange(dcr) p_idcs = np.arange(dph) # values for x and y to cut on: x_cut = config.x_cut y_cut = config.y_cut x_cut_proton = config.x_cut_proton ibatch = 0 import itertools spec_iter = itertools.product(known_species, known_species) for moid, daid in spec_iter: if moid < 100: continue else: info(10, f'Filling channel {moid} -> {daid}') has_nonel = moid == daid if has_nonel: intp_nonel = resp.nonel_intp[moid].antiderivative() if (((moid, daid) in self.cross_sections.known_bc_channels) or (has_nonel and (moid, daid) not in self.cross_sections.known_diff_channels)): has_incl = (moid, daid) in resp.incl_intp if has_incl: intp_bc = resp.incl_intp[(moid, daid)].antiderivative() else: info(1, 'Inclusive interpolator not found for', (moid, daid)) if not (has_nonel or has_incl): raise Exception('Channel without interactions:', (moid, daid)) # The cross sections need to be evaluated # on x = E_{CR,da} / E_{CR,mo} and y = E_ph * E_{CR,mo} / m_proton # To vectorize the evaluation, we create outer products using numpy # broadcasting: emo = ecr xl = elims[0] / emo xu = elims[1] / emo delta_x = delta_ec / emo yl = plims[0, None, :] * emo[:, None] / m_pr yu = plims[1, None, :] * emo[:, None] / m_pr delta_y = delta_ph[None, :] * emo[:, None] / m_pr int_fac = (delta_ec[:, None] * delta_ph[None, :] / emo[:, None]) diff_fac = 1. / delta_x[:, None] / delta_y # This takes the average by evaluating the integral and dividing by bin # width if has_incl: self._batch_matrix[ibatch:ibatch + len(emo), :] = ( intp_bc(yu) - intp_bc(yl)) * int_fac * diff_fac if has_nonel: self._batch_matrix[ibatch:ibatch + len(emo), :] -= (intp_nonel( yu) - intp_nonel(yl)) * int_fac * diff_fac # finally map this to the coupling matrix ibatch += len(emo) self._batch_rows.append(sp_id_ref[daid].lidx() + eda_idcs) self._batch_cols.append(sp_id_ref[moid].lidx() + emo_idcs) elif (moid, daid) in self.cross_sections.known_diff_channels: has_redist = (moid, daid) in resp.incl_diff_intp if has_redist: intp_diff = resp.incl_diff_intp[(moid, daid)] intp_diff_integral = resp.incl_diff_intp_integral[(moid, daid)] intp_nonel = resp.nonel_intp[moid] intp_nonel_antid = resp.nonel_intp[moid].antiderivative() ymin = np.min(intp_diff.get_knots()[1]) else: raise Exception('This should not occur.') ibatch_bf = ibatch # generate outer products using broadcasting emo = ecr[:, None, None] eda = ecr[None, :, None] epho = eph[None, None, :] target_shape = np.ones_like(emo * eda * epho) xl = elims[0, None, :, None] / emo * target_shape xu = elims[1, None, :, None] / emo * target_shape delta_x = delta_ec[None, :, None] / emo yl = plims[0, None, None, :] * emo / m_pr * target_shape yu = plims[1, None, None, :] * emo / m_pr * target_shape delta_y = delta_ph[None, None, :] * emo / m_pr int_fac = (delta_ec[:, None, None] * delta_ph[None, None, :] / emo) * target_shape diff_fac = 1. / delta_x / delta_y # Generate boolean arrays to cut on xvalues if daid == 101: cuts = np.logical_and(xl >= x_cut_proton, xl <= 1) else: # or (yu < ymin) or (yl > y_cut) cuts = np.logical_and(xl >= x_cut, xl <= 1) cuts = cuts[:, :, 0] # # NOTE JH: This is an old version, which brute force vectorizes the integral with numpy # # I am leaving this in the comments, in case we want to go back for testing- # integrator = np.vectorize(intp_diff.integral) # res = integrator(xl[cuts], xu[cuts], yl[cuts], yu[cuts]) * diff_fac[cuts] * int_fac[cuts] # This takes the average by evaluating the integral and dividing by bin width # intp_diff_integral contains the antiderivate, to to get the integral (xl,yl,xu,yu) # we need to substract INT = (0,0,xu,yu) - (0,0,xl,yu) - (0,0,xu,yl) + # (0,0,xl,yl) res = intp_diff_integral.ev(xu[cuts], yu[cuts]) res -= intp_diff_integral.ev(xl[cuts], yu[cuts]) res -= intp_diff_integral.ev(xu[cuts], yl[cuts]) res += intp_diff_integral.ev(xl[cuts], yl[cuts]) res *= diff_fac[cuts] * int_fac[cuts] res[res < 0] = 0. # Since we made cuts on x, we need to make the same cut on the index # mapping emoidx, edaidx, _ = np.meshgrid(sp_id_ref[moid].lidx() + emo_idcs, sp_id_ref[daid].lidx() + eda_idcs, p_idcs, indexing='ij') emoidx, edaidx = emoidx[cuts], edaidx[cuts] # Now add the nonel interactions on the main diagonal if has_nonel: res[emoidx == edaidx] -= ( intp_nonel_antid(yu[cuts][emoidx == edaidx]) - intp_nonel_antid(yl[cuts][emoidx == edaidx])) * ( diff_fac[cuts][emoidx == edaidx] * int_fac[cuts][emoidx == edaidx]) # Finally write this to the batch matrix self._batch_matrix[ibatch:ibatch + len(emoidx), :] = res self._batch_rows.append(edaidx[:, 0]) self._batch_cols.append(emoidx[:, 0]) ibatch += len(emoidx) else: info(20, 'Species combination not included in model', moid, daid) self._batch_matrix = self._batch_matrix[:ibatch, :] self._batch_rows = np.concatenate(self._batch_rows, axis=None) self._batch_cols = np.concatenate(self._batch_cols, axis=None) self._batch_vec = np.zeros(ibatch) info(2, f'Batch matrix shape: {self._batch_matrix.shape}') info(2, f'Batch rows shape: {self._batch_rows.shape}') info(2, f'Batch cols shape: {self._batch_cols.shape}') info(2, f'Batch vector shape: {self._batch_vec.shape}') memory = (self._batch_matrix.nbytes + self._batch_rows.nbytes + self._batch_cols.nbytes + self._batch_vec.nbytes) / 1024**2 info(3, "Memory usage after initialization: {:} MB".format(memory)) def _init_coupling_mat(self): """Initialises the coupling matrix directly in sparse (csr) format. """ info(0, 'Initiating coupling matrix in ({:}) format'.format('CSR')) from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix if using_cupy: # For GPU we initialize the csr matrix on the host and then cast to GPU from cupyx.scipy.sparse import csr_matrix as cp_csr_matrix self.coupling_mat_np = csr_matrix( (self._batch_vec.astype(np.float32), (self._batch_rows, self._batch_cols)), copy=True) self.coupling_mat = cp_csr_matrix(self.coupling_mat_np, copy=True) self._batch_vec = del self.coupling_mat_np else: self.coupling_mat = csr_matrix( (self._batch_vec, (self._batch_rows, self._batch_cols)), copy=True) # create an index to sort by rows and then columns, # which is the same ordering CSR has internally # lexsort sorts by last argument first!!! self.sortidx = np.lexsort((self._batch_cols, self._batch_rows)) self._batch_rows = self._batch_rows[self.sortidx] self._batch_cols = self._batch_cols[self.sortidx] # Reorder batch matrix according to order in coupling_mat if using_cupy: self._batch_matrix = cupy.array( self._batch_matrix[self.sortidx, :], dtype=np.float32) else: self._batch_matrix = self._batch_matrix[self.sortidx, :] def _update_rates(self, z, force_update=False): """Batch compute all nonel and inclusive rates if z changes. The result is always stored in the same vectors, since '_init_rate_matstruc' makes use of views to link ranges of the vector to locations in the matrix. Args: z (float): Redshift value at which the photon field is taken. Returns: (bool): True if fields we indeed updated, False if nothing happened. """ if self._ratemat_zcache != z or force_update: info(5, 'Updating batch rate vectors.') if using_cupy: if isinstance(self._batch_matrix, np.ndarray): self._init_coupling_mat() self._batch_matrix, cupy.array( self.photon_vector(z), dtype=np.float32), out=self._batch_vec) else: self._batch_matrix, self.photon_vector(z), out=self._batch_vec) self._ratemat_zcache = z return True else: return False def _update_coupling_mat(self, z, scale_fac, force_update=False): """Updates the sparse (csr) coupling matrix Only the data vector is updated to minimize computation """ # Do not execute dot product if photon field didn't change if self._update_rates(z, force_update): = scale_fac * self._batch_vec
[docs] def get_hadr_jacobian(self, z, scale_fac=1., force_update=False): """Returns the nonel rate vector and coupling matrix. """ self._update_coupling_mat(z, scale_fac, force_update) return self.coupling_mat
[docs] def single_interaction_length(self, pid, z, pfield=None): """Returns energy loss length in cm (convenience function for plotting) """ if pfield is not None: mem_pfield = self.photon_field self.photon_field = pfield species = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid] egrid = self.e_cosmicray.grid * species.A rate = -1 * self.get_hadr_jacobian( force_update=True, z=z).toarray()[,].diagonal() length = 1 / rate self.photon_field = mem_pfield return egrid, length
[docs]class ContinuousAdiabaticLossRate(object): """Implementation of continuous pair production loss rates.""" def __init__(self, prince_run, energy='grid', *args, **kwargs): info(3, 'creating instance') #: Reference to species manager self.spec_man = prince_run.spec_man # Initialize grids self.e_cosmicray = prince_run.cr_grid self.dim_states = prince_run.dim_states self.dim_bins = prince_run.dim_bins # Init adiabatic loss vector self.energy_vector = self._init_energy_vec(energy)
[docs] def loss_vector(self, z, energy=None): """Returns all continuous losses on dim_states grid""" # return self.adiabatic_losses(z) from prince_cr.cosmology import H if energy is None: return H(z) * PRINCE_UNITS.cm2sec * self.energy_vector else: return H(z) * PRINCE_UNITS.cm2sec * energy
def _init_energy_vec(self, energy): """Prepare vector for scaling with units, charge and mass.""" if energy == 'grid': energy_vector = np.zeros(self.dim_states) for spec in self.spec_man.species_refs: energy_vector[spec.lidx():spec.uidx()] = self.e_cosmicray.grid elif energy == 'bins': energy_vector = np.zeros(self.dim_bins) for spec in self.spec_man.species_refs: energy_vector[spec.lbin():spec.ubin()] = self.e_cosmicray.bins else: raise Exception( 'Unexpected energy keyword ({:}), use either (grid) or (bins)', format(energy)) return energy_vector
[docs] def single_loss_length(self, pid, z): """Returns energy loss length in cm (convenience function for plotting) """ species = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid] egrid = self.energy_vector[] * species.A rate = self.loss_vector(z)[] * species.A length = egrid / rate return egrid, length
[docs]class ContinuousPairProductionLossRate(object): """Implementation of continuous pair production loss rates.""" def __init__(self, prince_run, energy='grid', *args, **kwargs): info(3, 'creating instance') #: Reference to species manager self.spec_man = prince_run.spec_man #: Reference to PhotonField object self.photon_field = prince_run.photon_field # Initialize grids self.e_cosmicray = prince_run.cr_grid self.dim_states = prince_run.dim_states self.dim_bins = prince_run.dim_bins self.e_photon = prince_run.ph_grid # xi is dimensionless (natural units) variable xi_steps = 400 if 'xi_steps' not in kwargs else kwargs['xi_steps'] info(2, 'using', xi_steps, 'steps in xi') self.xi = np.logspace(np.log10(2 + 1e-8), 16., xi_steps) # weights for integration self.phi_xi2 = self._phi(self.xi) / (self.xi**2) # Scale vector containing the units and factors of Z**2 for nuclei self.scale_vec = self._init_scale_vec(energy) # Gamma factor of the cosmic ray if energy == 'grid': gamma = self.e_cosmicray.grid / PRINCE_UNITS.m_proton elif energy == 'bins': gamma = self.e_cosmicray.bins / PRINCE_UNITS.m_proton else: raise Exception( 'Unexpected energy keyword ({:}), use either (grid) or (bins)', format(energy)) # Grid of photon energies for interpolation self.photon_grid = np.outer(1 / gamma, self.xi) * PRINCE_UNITS.m_electron / 2. self.pg_desort = self.photon_grid.reshape(-1).argsort() self.pg_sorted = self.photon_grid.reshape(-1)[self.pg_desort]
[docs] def loss_vector(self, z): """Returns all continuous losses on dim_states grid""" rate_single = trapz( self.photon_vector(z) * self.phi_xi2, self.xi, axis=1) pprod_loss_vector = self.scale_vec * np.tile(rate_single, self.spec_man.nspec) return pprod_loss_vector
[docs] def photon_vector(self, z): """Returns photon vector at redshift `z` on photon grid. This vector is in fact a matrix of vectors of the interpolated photon field with dimensions (dim_cr, xi_steps). Args: z (float): redshift Return value from cache if redshift value didn't change since last call. """ photon_vector = np.zeros_like(self.photon_grid) photon_vector.reshape(-1)[ self.pg_desort] = self.photon_field.get_photon_density( self.pg_sorted, z) return photon_vector
def _init_scale_vec(self, energy): """Prepare vector for scaling with units, charge and mass.""" if energy == 'grid': scale_vec = np.zeros(self.dim_states) units = (PRINCE_UNITS.fine_structure * PRINCE_UNITS.r_electron**2 * PRINCE_UNITS.m_electron**2) for spec in self.spec_man.species_refs: if not spec.is_nucleus: continue scale_vec[spec.lidx():spec.uidx()] = units * abs( spec.charge)**2 / float(spec.A) * np.ones_like( self.e_cosmicray.grid, dtype='double') elif energy == 'bins': scale_vec = np.zeros(self.dim_bins) units = (PRINCE_UNITS.fine_structure * PRINCE_UNITS.r_electron**2 * PRINCE_UNITS.m_electron**2) for spec in self.spec_man.species_refs: if not spec.is_nucleus: continue scale_vec[spec.lbin():spec.ubin()] = units * abs( spec.charge)**2 / float(spec.A) * np.ones_like( self.e_cosmicray.bins, dtype='double') else: raise Exception( 'Unexpected energy keyword ({:}), use either (grid) or (bins)', format(energy)) return scale_vec
[docs] def single_loss_length(self, pid, z, pfield=None): """Returns energy loss length in cm (convenience function for plotting) """ if pfield is not None: mem_pfield = self.photon_field self.photon_field = pfield species = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid] egrid = self.e_cosmicray.grid * species.A rate = self.loss_vector(z)[] * species.A length = egrid / rate self.photon_field = mem_pfield return egrid, length
def _phi(self, xi): """Phi function as in Blumental 1970""" # Simple ultrarelativistic approximation by Blumental 1970 bltal_ultrarel = np.poly1d([2.667, -14.45, 50.95, -86.07]) def phi_simple(xi): return xi * bltal_ultrarel(np.log(xi)) # random fit parameters, see Chorodowski et al c1 = 0.8048 c2 = 0.1459 c3 = 1.137e-3 c4 = -3.879e-6 f1 = 2.91 f2 = 78.35 f3 = 1837 res = np.zeros(xi.shape) le = np.where(xi < 25.) he = np.where(xi >= 25.) res[le] = np.pi / 12. * (xi[le] - 2)**4 / ( c1 * (xi[le] - 2)**1 + c2 * (xi[le] - 2)**2 + c3 * (xi[le] - 2)**3 + c4 * (xi[le] - 2)**4) res[he] = phi_simple( xi[he]) / (1 - f1 * xi[he]**-1 - f2 * xi[he]**-2 - f3 * xi[he]**-3) return res