Source code for prince_cr.cr_sources

"""Defines source models for cosmic ray propagation

    The standard interface requires to UHECRSolvers requires
    that each source defines a methods injection_rate(self, z)

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from prince_cr.util import info

class CosmicRaySource(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self,
        # read out standard information from core class
        self.cr_grid = prince_run.cr_grid.grid
        self.dim_states = prince_run.dim_states
        self.norm = norm
        self.spec_man = prince_run.spec_man

        # read out the input parameters, this is a dictionary with particle ids as key
        # the parameters are interpreted by each child class.
        self.params = params
        self.ncoids = np.array(ncoids if ncoids is not None else list(params.keys()))
        self.source_evo_m = m

    def _compute_injection_grid(self):
        """Precompute the injection for all species on a single grid.
        Assumes that the injection is factorized in E and z"""
        self.injection_grid = np.zeros(self.dim_states)

        for pid in self.ncoids:
            if pid in self.params:
                params = self.params[pid]
                params = params

                4, 'Injecting particle {:} with parameters {:}'.format(
                    pid, params))
            inj_spec = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid]
            self.injection_grid[] = self.injection_spectrum(
                pid, self.cr_grid, params)

    def integrated_lum(self, Emin=1e9):
        """Integrates the injected spectrum for all particles
            Emin (float): lower limit of the integration
            float array: tuple with integrated number and luminosity for each species 
        num_int = np.zeros_like(self.ncoids, dtype=np.float)
        lum_int = np.zeros_like(self.ncoids, dtype=np.float)

        from scipy.integrate import trapz
        for idx, pid in enumerate(self.ncoids):
            # get the inection for the species and subsitute back from E_A =  E / A to E
            s = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid]
            A = s.A
            egrid = self.cr_grid * A
            injec = self.injection_grid[] / A

            # Get the ranges where the energy is greater than Emin and integrate
            mask = np.argwhere(egrid > Emin)
            mask = mask.flatten()
            num_int[idx] = trapz(injec[mask], egrid[mask])
            lum_int[idx] = trapz(injec[mask] * egrid[mask], egrid[mask])
        return num_int, lum_int

    def injection_rate(self, z):
        """Returns the injection rate on the given self.cr_grid

            z (float): redshift

            float array: array of the same length as self.cr_grid
        return self.norm * self.evolution(z) * self.injection_grid

    def injection_rate_single(self, pid, energy, z):
        """Return the injection rate for a single energy and redshift

            pid (int): particle id for which to return the injection
            energy (float): single float or array for which to return the injection
            z (float): redshift

            float: injection on the grid defined by energy
        if pid in self.params:
            params = self.params[pid]
        return self.norm * self.evolution(z) * self.injection_spectrum(
            pid, energy, params)

    def injection_spectrum(self, pid, energy, params):
        """Prototype to be defined in each child class"""

    def evolution(self, z):
        """Returns the source evolution function at given redshift

        Note: The source evolution will depend on self.source_evo_m
              This can be a float, a keyword or a tuple of both.
              See code for supported combinations

            z (float): redshift

            float: Relative source evolution, typically normalized to 1 at z=0
        from .cosmology import star_formation_rate, grb_rate_wp, agn_rate

        # Check if negative z is called
        if z < 0:
            raise Exception(
                'Source evolution not defined for negative z = {:}'.format(z))

        # flat source evolution
        if self.source_evo_m == 'flat':
            return 1.
        # simple source evolution (1+z)**m
        elif type(self.source_evo_m) is float:
            return (1 + z)**self.source_evo_m * star_formation_rate(z)
        # for a tuple decide based on keyword
        elif type(self.source_evo_m) is tuple:
            mkwd, mval = self.source_evo_m
            # in these cases the evolution is taken from keyword and scaled by m
            if mkwd == 'SFR':
                return (1 + z)**mval * star_formation_rate(z)
            elif mkwd == 'GRB':
                return (1 + z)**mval * grb_rate_wp(z)
            elif mkwd == 'AGN':
                return (1 + z)**mval * agn_rate(z)
            elif mkwd == 'TDE':
                return (1 + z)**(mval-3.)
            elif mkwd == 'simple':
                return (1 + z)**mval
            # local evolution as (1+z)**m and flat beyond z = 1
            elif mkwd == 'simple_flat':
                if z <= 1:
                    return (1 + z)**mval
                    return (1 + 1)**mval
            # local evolution as (1+z)**m and a break of n = m - 3.6 at z = 1
            elif mkwd == 'simple_SFR':
                if z <= 1:
                    return (1 + z)**mval
                    return (1 + 1)**3.6 * (1 + z)**(mval - 3.6)
            raise Exception('Unknown source evo type: {:}'.format(

[docs]class SimpleSource(CosmicRaySource): """Simple source class with spectral index and cutoff inj(E) = norm * E**-gamma * exp(- E / Emax) params defined as {pid: gamma, Emax, norm} """
[docs] def injection_spectrum(self, pid, energy, params): gamma, emax, norm = params inj_spec = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid] emax = emax / inj_spec.A result = norm * energy**(-gamma) * np.exp(-energy / emax) return result
[docs]class RigdityCutoffSource(CosmicRaySource): """Simple source class with spectral index and rigidity dependent cutoff inj(E) = norm * E**-gamma * exp(- E / Z * Rcut) params defined as {pid: gamma, Rcut, norm} """
[docs] def injection_spectrum(self, pid, energy, params): spectral_index, rcut, relnorm = params inj_spec = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid] A = float(inj_spec.A) emax = rcut * inj_spec.Z e_k = A * energy result = relnorm * A * (e_k / 1e9)**( -spectral_index) * np.exp(1 - e_k / emax) return result
[docs]class AugerFitSource(CosmicRaySource): """Simple source class with spectral index and rigidity dependent cutoff Defined to be parrallel for all species below the cutoff as in Auger Combined Fit paper if E < Z * Rcut: inj(E) = norm * E**-gamma else: inj(E) = norm * E**-gamma * exp(- E / Z * Rcut) params defined as {pid: gamma, Rcut, norm} """
[docs] def injection_spectrum(self, pid, energy, params): spectral_index, rcut, relnorm = params inj_spec = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid] A = float(inj_spec.A) emax = rcut * inj_spec.Z e_k = A * energy result = relnorm * A * (e_k / 1e9)**(-spectral_index) * np.where( e_k < emax, 1., np.exp(1 - e_k / emax)) return result
[docs]class RigidityFlexSource(CosmicRaySource): """Simple source class with spectral index and rigidity dependent cutoff Parameter alpha to scaled the rigidity dependence inj(E) = norm * E**-gamma * exp(- E / Z**alpha * Rcut) params defined as {pid: gamma, Rcut, alpha, norm} """
[docs] def injection_spectrum(self, pid, energy, params): spectral_index, rcut, alpha, relnorm = params inj_spec = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid] A = float(inj_spec.A) emax = rcut * inj_spec.Z**alpha e_k = A * energy result = relnorm * A * (e_k / 1e9)**(-spectral_index) * np.where( e_k < emax, 1., np.exp(1 - e_k / emax)) return result
[docs]class SpectrumSource(CosmicRaySource): """Source class with the spectrum defined externally by an array The spectrum might be interpolated as needed params defined as {pid: egrid, specgrid} """
[docs] def injection_spectrum(self, pid, energy, params): egrid, specgrid = params inj_spec = self.spec_man.ncoid2sref[pid] egrid = egrid / inj_spec.A specgrid = specgrid * inj_spec.A result = np.interp(energy, egrid, specgrid, left=0., right=0.) return result