Source code for prince_cr.core

'''Provides user interface and runtime management.'''

import pickle as pickle
from os import path

import numpy as np

from prince_cr import cross_sections, data, interaction_rates
from import EnergyGrid
from prince_cr.util import info, get_AZN
import prince_cr.config as config

[docs]class PriNCeRun(object): """This is a draft of the main class. This class is supposed to interprete the config options and initialize all necessary stuff in order. This class is meant to keep all separate ingredients together in one place, and it is inteded to be passed to further classes via `self`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "max_mass" in kwargs: max_mass = kwargs.pop("max_mass", config.max_mass) # Initialize energy grid if config.grid_scale == 'E': info(1, 'initialising Energy grid') self.cr_grid = EnergyGrid(*config.cosmic_ray_grid) self.ph_grid = EnergyGrid(*config.photon_grid) else: raise Exception( "Unknown energy grid scale {:}, adjust config.grid_scale". format(config.grid_scale)) # Cross section handler if 'cross_sections' in kwargs: self.cross_sections = kwargs['cross_sections'] else: self.cross_sections = cross_sections.CompositeCrossSection( [(0., cross_sections.TabulatedCrossSection, ('CRP2_TALYS', )), (0.14, cross_sections.SophiaSuperposition, ())]) # Photon field handler if 'photon_field' in kwargs: self.photon_field = kwargs['photon_field'] else: import prince_cr.photonfields as pf self.photon_field = pf.CombinedPhotonField( [pf.CMBPhotonSpectrum, pf.CIBGilmore2D]) # Limit max nuclear mass of eqn system if "species_list" in kwargs: system_species = list( set(kwargs["species_list"]) & set( self.cross_sections.known_species)) else: system_species = [ s for s in self.cross_sections.known_species if get_AZN(s)[0] <= max_mass ] # Disable photo-meson production if not config.secondaries: system_species = [s for s in system_species if s >= 100] # Remove particles that are explicitly excluded for pid in config.ignore_particles: if pid in system_species: system_species.remove(pid) # Initialize species manager for all species for which cross sections are known self.spec_man = data.SpeciesManager(system_species, self.cr_grid.d) # Total dimension of system self.dim_states = self.cr_grid.d * self.spec_man.nspec self.dim_bins = (self.cr_grid.d + 1) * self.spec_man.nspec # Initialize continuous energy losses self.adia_loss_rates_grid = interaction_rates.ContinuousAdiabaticLossRate( prince_run=self, energy='grid') self.pair_loss_rates_grid = interaction_rates.ContinuousPairProductionLossRate( prince_run=self, energy='grid') self.adia_loss_rates_bins = interaction_rates.ContinuousAdiabaticLossRate( prince_run=self, energy='bins') self.pair_loss_rates_bins = interaction_rates.ContinuousPairProductionLossRate( prince_run=self, energy='bins') # Initialize the interaction rates self.int_rates = interaction_rates.PhotoNuclearInteractionRate( prince_run=self) # Let species manager know about the photon grid dimensions (for idx calculations) # it is accesible under index "ph" for lidx(), uidx() calls self.spec_man.add_grid('ph', self.ph_grid.d) def set_photon_field(self, pfield): self.photon_field = pfield self.adia_loss_rates_grid.photon_field = pfield self.pair_loss_rates_grid.photon_field = pfield self.adia_loss_rates_bins.photon_field = pfield self.pair_loss_rates_bins.photon_field = pfield self.int_rates.photon_field = pfield